Hera Mysterium

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In the dimly lit corners of the art world, where shadows dance and secrets thrive, a peculiar artist was born. Hera Mysterium emerged from the depths of her twisted imagination, armed with a paintbrush that held a mischievous secret. Her palette is composed of different shades of black, haunting blue, red and shades that existed only in the nightmares of mortals. Dracula humor aside, Hera Mysterium is my pseudonym in Latin, which means Lady Mystery. I am a Montreal based multidisciplinary artist born in Jerusalem. Acrylics, oils, watercolours, charcoal, ink, raisin and ink as well as digital painting and dark photography are used, along with melted candle wax and dried roses because why not? it’s fun! Have fun with creativity while ruining your floors and carpets. My inspiration comes from a shadowy figure named Melancholia, with sorrow etched into it’s very being which i turned into a beautiful creation. My artwork is created with great emotion. The resulting works explore...