Divyangi Shukla
Chicago, USA
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Permanent Address- K-438,Ashiana, Lucknow, India
Contact Number- +91 8115755845
Email id- divyangishukla@gmail.com Date of Birth -24th November 1992
Willem de Kooning Academ, Hogeshool Rotterdam, Netherlands 2016-2020, Autonome beeldende kunst
Kala Bhavana, Shantiniketan, West bengal, India 2015-2016, Foundation course in Fine Arts
Lady Shri Ram College for Women, New Delhi, India 2011-2014, Bachelors in Arts, Political Science Honours
Army Public School, Lucknow, UttarPradesh, India
2011, AISSCE (All India Senior School Certificate Examination)
2020, Interview on Animation *Onno mama Wange*, published by The Filmkrant, Nether- lands https://filmkrant.nl/interview/lichting-2020- divyangi- shukla-onno-mama-wange/
2020, Project “My stories of Uganda” published on Graduation catalogue, Willem de Kooning Academy
2017, Published an edition ‘Feijenoord’ in Woodstone Kugelblitz – L’Intolerant Art Magazine with reinaart vanhoe.
2021, ‘ALL INN’, curated by Rieke Vos, HET HEM,Zaandam, The Netherlands
2019, ‘Bodies in...