Andrea Wohl Keefe: I am interested in making visual art that is about how we see

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

What themes does your work involve? 

I am interested in making visual art that is about how we see. 
I want to make work that highlights the ways we put together the images and construct the stories that become our narratives. 


What is the significance of medium and color?

The media and techniques in many ways make the work. Although I start with sketches of an idea for a visual work,
I usually begin with a medium that permits me to surrender control. I know just enough about the medium to lay the water down and to add the ink or watercolor paint, but I then have to wait and see what happens. Sometimes I use a resist, spray bottle or other material that adds to the surprising results.
I know just enough about printmaking to lay the paper on the inked surface and to see my marks pull up the ink, but I have little control over exactly how much ink shows up and what textures transfer. Sometimes I float the ink on water combining these media. Whether beginning with wet-into-wet or a monoprint, I have this resulting thing that I have to respond to. I am interested in letting go of what I think I know and using the media to make the art about discovery.

The media and techniques in many ways make the work

Color development comes later in the process as a way to help the work communicate. Color is used to push the space, create emphasis, move the eye, and add contrast or balance. It is used to manipulate.


Do you work from memory, life, photographs, or from other resources? Describe your creative process.

I start with sketching and then realize that I need visual reference materials to guide my work. I will take photos for this purpose. I go online to research a topic of interest  and often that results in seeing images that become incorporated into a work. 

What is your favorite art accident? Did it change your perspective?

I love being a bad printmaker and working to maintain the art “accident”.
It is that experience of lifting off the paper and seeing something unexpected that gets me excited. When I start to be able predict what the work will be, I switch into work-mode and playtime ends. The “accident” is a necessary part of the conversation for me.


Do you have any artistic goals for the future that you would like to share?

I have lists but probably not the same thing as goals.