Submit Entry


UPWARD Gallery invites artists worldwide to submit artwork to our juried art exhibitions and competitions.

Using this form, you can submit up to 6 artworks to our juried exhibitions or competitions without creating an account on our gallery website. We'll look at your artworks and email you a link to pay the entry fee. After we receive your payment within 1-2 business days we will create your personal page on the site ourselves, publish your artworks, and after summing up the results of the juried exhibitions or competition, we will send digital certificates to your email. 

Entry fees: $36 for 1-2 artworks; $64 for 3-4 artworks; $84 for 5-6 artworks.


Please use title case. 
Capitalize the first letter of both your First and Last Name. 
Please do not use ALL CAPS or all lower case letters.
For example:  Edward Hopper
Please type the name as you would like it to appear in digital certificate.

For public information on the site. For example, “John D.”, “Samantha”, “Snow White”, etc.
The digital certificate will display your real name.

You must be at least 18 years old to participate in our exhibitions.
Information about your age will not be displayed anywhere on our website and will not be shared with any third parties.

Enter a short biographical artist statement.

Artwork #1

Please name your artwork. Please don't use a number or untitled.

Please use title case. Remember to Capitalize First letters in the title of your artwork.
For example: Rooms by the Sea.

Limit: 60 characters.

More about media of your artwork, size, subject matter, visual descriptions.

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